Jalin Kerjasama Impact CSR Lingkungan dan Penghijauan Bersama LindungiHutan

Start a Collaboration with LindungiHutan to Create An Easy-to-Implemented, Transparent and Sustainable CSR Program for Your Business

Different Businesses and Partners Entrust LindungiHutan to Handle Their CSR Programs

Why LindungiHutan is Different and What We Confidence at:

Easy Process

Starting a CSR collaboration with LindungiHutan only need 3 things to be done, 1) fill an online form in this page, 2) plan and discuss a program, location and budget with our team, 3) implement the CSR program in accordance with previous agreement we made.


We will inform you about the process and result of our collaboration. Hence, as a tech-startup, we provide real-time access to the information and progress of the CSR program in our website. The progress of our collaboration would be available for public to access via LindungiHutans website.

Sustainable and Impactful

LindungiHutan had been cooperate with local farmers and communities to ensure the CSR program creates positive impacts for them from economic, social and ecological aspects. We believe in empowering local community would result on long-term positive impact from our collaboration.

Our Milestone and Precious Collaboration Partners




Trees Planted


Active Users


Planting Site

What Impact CSR Program is Suitable
for Your Business?


Support community development by empowering SMEs to enhance their livelihood.


A CSR program combined with seminar and webinar to educate your employee about sustainability.


Celebrate special moment with your employee and stakeholders with impactful planting event.


Integrate your business web and apps with our system to track the impact via API token


An impactful CSR program to support local communities by building infrastructures


A long-term CSR project to create sustainable and impactful programs to empower local communities

Choose Your Desired Planting Site from 40+ Locations Across Indonesia

Our Site Recommendation

Mangrove Ecotourism Center PIK, Jakarta

Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara

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Baros Beach, Yogyakarta

Bantul, DI Yogyakarta

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Jabungan Village Forest Area, Kota Semarang

Kota Semarang

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Pulau Pari, Kepulauan Seribu

Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta

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Untia Coastal, Kota Makassar

Kota Makassar

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Landak Regency, West Kalimantan (Borneo)

Kab. Landak, West Kalimantan

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Teluk Benoa, Bali

Teluk Benoa, Bali

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Pantai Bahagia Coastal Area, Bekasi Regency

Bekasi, West Java

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Our Tree Recommendation


Carbon sequestration :
0.118448385 kg CO2eq

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Australian Pine

Carbon sequestration :
0.738122425 kg CO2eq

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Carbon sequestration :
0.3654362926 kg CO2eq

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Sumatran Pine

Carbon sequestration :
0.5917341853 kg CO2eq

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Api-api Putih

Carbon sequestration :
0.3181211162 kg CO2eq

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Tabebuia/Caribbean Trumpet Tree

Carbon sequestration :
1.1463518162 kg CO2eq

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Avocado Tree

Carbon sequestration :
1.20292458 kg CO2eq

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Jambu Air/Watery Rose-apple Tree

Carbon sequestration :
3.6931895 kg CO2eq

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Formulir Kerjasama Program CSR Penghijauan Berdampak Sosial

Formulir Kerjasama Program CSR Penghijauan Berdampak Sosial

Formulir Kerjasama Program CSR Penghijauan Berdampak Sosial

Partner Success Stories

Partner Testimonial


Tree Of Life : 50.000 Pohon Untukmu dan Untukku

Selama menjalin kolaborasi dan kerjasama dengan LindungiHutan berjalan sangat baik. Terlebih lagi, konsumen dapat ikut terlibat langsung dalam upaya penghijauan dengan membeli produk Somethinc. Harapannya, semoga lokasi penanaman bertambah banyak dan tersebar dari Sabang-Merauke.

Sinthia Delvi Alexander

Let's Greening Kendal, Together with Us!

Keren banget program CollaboraTree dari LindungiHutan dengan mengajak brand dari berbagai sektor untuk terlibat menghijaukan Indonesia. Semangat terus ya!

Victor Chandra

From Earth to Earth

CollaboraTree sangat bagus, bermanfaat dan edukatif untuk brand serta konsumen kami karena dapat terlibat dalam pelestarian alam.

Muhamad Adi Mulya Pranata

SNEAKON Lindungi Trimulyo, Semarang

Sangat menyenangkan dan bahagia SNEAKON dapat berpartisipasi dalam melestarikan lingkungan dan hutan di Indonesia bersama LindungiHutan.

Fiona Aryani

Hijau di Awi Poleng bukan hanya Dongeng!

Luar biasa dan sangat bagus program CollaboraTree dari LindungiHutan. Kita bisa mengajak banyak orang untuk peduli lingkungan dan penghijauan sekaligus menjalankan bisnis dan mengenalkan value ramah lingkungan ke konsumen.

Imelda W.

Amero Back To Nature

Kami merasa senang karena mendapat bantuan untuk menyalurkan dana yang kami alokasikan untuk donasi. Terlebih kami dapat bekerja sama dengan organisasi yang tepat.

Danang Wahyudi

Gotong Royong Selamatkan Bedono

Tak terasa CollaboraTree antara SAE wooden x LindungiHutan sudah berjalan lebih dari setahun. Kerjasama terjalin karena kami sama-sama memiliki rasa kepedulian yang tentang lingkungan. Program Collaboratree dengan LindungiHutan adalah sebuah aksi nyata kepedulian.

Dian Khairani

Mangrove for Desa Bedono

CollaboraTree makes things easier for corporations and brands to help make a positive impact to our Earth.

Meritia Ardyati

DonaTree Viral Challenge : 500 Mangrove PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) untuk Jakarta yang Lebih Hijau

Kerjasama dengan LindungiHutan membantu PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) dalam mewujudkan program penanaman mangrove di area yang dekat dengan lokasi perusahaan (Jakarta dan Bekasi). Langkah penghijauan kami ambil sebagai salah satu wujud kontribusi kami pada program dekarbonisasi.

Celia Bun Irawan

Dari Bumi untuk Bumi

Menyenangkan tanpa ada kendala yang dihadapi selama menjalin kerjasama dengan LindungiHutan. Semoga lebih banyak pihak yang terlibat seperti Zazz Indonesia agar hutan kita lebih lestari.

Wiza Hidayat

For Every Office Workstation Delivered, We Plant A Tree With Arkadia Works & LindungiHutan

Arkadia Works sebagai perusahaan yang menerapkan Green Building, CollaboraTree turut mendukung kami dalam upaya menuju Net Zero Emission dan mendapat respon positif dari pelanggan kami, terutama dari pelanggan yang memiliki misi lingkungan yang sama dengan kami. Kami juga menjadi terlibat dalam diskusi menarik seputar lingkungan hidup dengan beberapa stakeholder dan membuka akses pasar baru. . Selain itu, jika dilihat dari jumlah pohon yang ditanam dibandingkan dengan biaya yang dikeluarkan, berkolaborasi dengan LindungiHutan dalam CollaboraTree membuat kegiatan penanaman pohon menjadi semakin mudah dan murah. Hal ini kami rasakan langsung karena sebelumnya kami menanam pohon secara mandiri.

Nadhilah Dhina S.

Sedekah Pohon untuk Bumi

Menyenangkan, pengalaman baru bagi PT Pertamina Gas punya wadah bagi karyawan untuk melakukan donasi pohon, dikelola dan dipantau dampaknya. Semoga semakin luas manfaat yang diberikan untuk masyarakat!

Vemditha Kriswidjaya Sodi


Avoskin senang dapat berpartisipasi dalam program CollaboraTree bersama LindungiHutan. Program tersebut memiliki tujuan serta manfaat yang jelas dari wilayah penanaman hingga bibit pohon yang ditanam. Semua aspek dampak baik dari segi sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan juga diperhatikan oleh LindungiHutan. Selain itu, isi social media dan website LindungiHutan sangat informatif sehingga kami dapat melakukan pemantauan pohon yang ditanam melalui platform tersebut. Semoga kita bisa bersama-sama untuk terus melakukan langkah kecil untuk Bumi kita secara konsisten!

Jeslyne Anggi Winata

Runa for a More Carbon Neutral Beauty Brand

Dengan program CollaboraTree, Runa Beauty sangat dimudahkan untuk mencapai carbon neutral. Selain itu, kerjasama penghijauan yang terjalin memberikan dampak yang sesuai dengan kawasan konservasi yang membutuhkan.

Maryansha Irsapzendi

Bikin Taman Bantu Lingkungan

Pelayanan yang diberikan sangat baik, membantu dan berguna untuk menjaga lingkungan bersama.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

What is Impact CSR with LindungiHutan?

Impact CSR is a corporate social responsibility program in the field of environmental and social responsibility aimed at providing positive impact for the ecology, economy, and social aspects of the local communities around 40+ LindungiHutan’s planting sites.

What is the Difference Between Impact CSR Program with LindungiHutan and Regular CSR Program?

The important factor that distinguishes Impact CSR Program with LindungiHutan from regular CSR programs is the aspect of sustainability and continuity. In the implementation of the Impact CSR Program with LindungiHutan, as a form of collaboration between your company and LindungiHutan, the program implementation provides continuous benefits to society. Although the project implementation has passed.

Why We Have to Collaborate with LindungiHutan to Implement Our CSR Program?

LindungiHutan has partnered with 30+ forest farmer groups and local communities to ensure the reforestation activities run smoothly and create sustainable social impacts.

Moreover, we have been trusted by 350+ brands and companies from various fields of business to help handle their CSR programs in various areas.

The values we uphold are ease, transparency, sustainability, inclusivity, and flexibility in carrying out different operational activities, programs, and implementing Impact CSR Program with LindungiHutan.

Did LindungiHutan Legal and Registered in Indonesia Government Institution?

LindungiHutan is a digital platform and website that is a legally recognized entity with the status of a foundation called Yayasan Lindungi Hutan based on the Notarial Deed of Ida Widiyanti, SH with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Decree Number AHU-0003033.AH.01.04.Year 2018.

LindungiHutan's operational process also has a License for Fundraising and Goods Collection (Izin Pengumpulan Uang dan Barang or PUB), which is renewed every three months with the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) Decree Number 92/HUK-PS/2022.

Moreover, LindungiHutan is officially registered in the PSE Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) with Registration Number 912030143131500000001.

What Tree Species Planted by LindungiHutan?

The types of trees planted by LindungiHutan are diverse and varied depending on the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural conditions around the reforestation area. Planting trees that are not suitable for these conditions tends to be unsustainable and less beneficial for the community. Find the types of trees at LindungiHutan.com/katalog-pohon for complete information.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program is a step taken by companies to provide positive impacts for society and the environment. The implementation of CSR is one form of business commitment to improve the well-being, living standards, economy, development, and sustainability of the environment in a certain area.

The implementation of corporate social responsibility projects is governed by various laws and regulations, one of which is stipulated in Indonesian Government Regulation and Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (“Perseroan Terbatas”).

The objectives of implementing CSR programs include:

  1. Providing significant contributions to the development of the environment and society in general,
  2. Building and maintaining the brand value and image of the company,
  3. Developing high-quality and potential human resources,
  4. Reducing business risks and corruption within the company,
  5. Creating and building sustainable relationships with all stakeholders, including individuals, communities, and other holders of power in the company's environment,
  6. Improving the productivity and motivation of company employees and their families,
  7. Opening up access to markets and resources needed by the company on a wider scale.

Furthermore, the implementation of corporate social responsibility provides various benefits for the company, including:

  1. Upholding ethics in organization, building and maintaining commitment, and building the company's morality,
  2. Reducing internal and external crises that may be experienced by the company,
  3. Creating a good reputation for the company in society,
  4. Helping to build the company in the era of globalization,
  5. Providing a positive perception and view as a responsible company by all stakeholders, competitors, and the general public.

By collaborating on an impactful CSR program with LindungiHutan, companies and businesses will gain various advantages such as:

  1. Ease (“Mudah”), as the requirements and process of implementing CSR collaboration with LindungiHutan are not complicated. We will assist in the preparation process up to the reporting of the implemented CSR program,
  2. Transparent (“Transparan”), meaning that during the CSR collaboration process, LindungiHutan will provide information and updates related to the program,
  3. Sustainable (“Berkelanjutan”), as LindungiHutan partners with forest farmers and local residents to ensure that the CSR program has a positive impact on the surrounding community,
  4. Flexible (“Fleksibel”), as we offer various forms of tree-planting programs and other socially impactful activities according to the company's budget and needs,
  5. Inclusive (“Inklusif”), as LindungiHutan is open to various parties who want to contribute to "Greening Indonesia" through sustainable CSR programs in accordance with certain values and provisions.
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