Partner Pendukung Penghijauan

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Kampanye Alam

Kolaborasi antara dan LindungiHutan

Boolet is a movement that seeks to solve the waste problem in Indonesia by building circular economy ecosystem. We are starting by repurposing single-used chopsticks & skewers into sustainable material. We also focus in building collaboration with local waste management, individuals and other stakeholders in core of our beliefs. On top of that we are working closely with local craftperson for production for mosr our products to support micro-business in local communities. baca selengkapnya

Kampanye yang dibantu

200 Pohon Terkumpul


Unduh LPJ

Monitoring setiap kampanye

  1. Every Action Matters - Boolet x LindungiHutan

    Data monitoring belum tersedia
  2. Gabung Aksi Boolet x Bunda Mulia School

    Data monitoring belum tersedia
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